
Federation of European Zeolite Associations

Constitution of the Federation of European Zeolite Associations

1. The name shall be "The Federation of European Zeolite Associations" hereinafter referred to as "The Federation".

2. The objects of The Federation are to improve communication and collaboration between researchers in Europe, to generally advance education for the benefit of the public in the study of zeolite molecular sieves, including the technology and application thereof in the areas of chemistry, geology, chemical engineering and other branches of science or engineering, the undertaking of research and the publication of the useful results of such research. In furtherance of the above-mentioned object but not further or otherwise The Federation shall have the following powers:

  1. to arrange Specialist Workshops / Euroconferences for members and the other interested persons for the general dissemination and critical discussion of matters pertaining to The Federation's objects;
  2. to arrange meetings of an educational character for the benefit of and to be attended by young people and/or people entering the field of zeolite research;
  3. to identify and develop new areas of research and encourage the formation of multinational research teams through the use of, for example, networks;
  4. to encourage industrial, governmental and academic support of zeolite research;
  5. to liase with, co-operate with and give general support to any other charitable institution;
  6. to secure funds from appropriate bodies to support zeolite research and education;
  7. to hold an annual meeting of the Committee.

3. The Officers of The Federation shall form the Committee and shall comprise of one elected representative of each member National Association. A Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer will be elected by the Committee members. The Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer shall hold office for 3 years. Anyone holding the office of Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer can only be re-elected once in that office. Should any of these Officers retire from their posts before they have completed their term in office, then their National Association Committee shall elect a replacement to carry on the duties of the retiring Officer. All Officers other than the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer shall hold office for as long as they are mandated to do so by their own National Association. All Officers shall notify the Committee one year in advance of retirement from the Committee and each National Association shall forward the name of the elected replacement to the Secretary as soon as it is known.

4. The Committee shall elect a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer from existing Committee members at the annual Committee meeting one year in advance of the retirement of the incumbent Officers.

5. The Committee shall elect two auditors who shall not be Committee members.

6. The fiscal year of The Federation shall end on 31st December. The Treasurer shall be required to present a general account of the income and expenditure of The Federation to the Committee members at their annual meeting.

7. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt members as it seems fit, but no co-opted member shall have the right to vote. The Committee shall have the power to appoint temporary Officers in the event of an Officer being unable to continue his office. The quorum for a Committee meeting shall be greater than 50% of the Committee members.

8. The committee shall have the power to elect an Advisory Board from industry and to set up task forces or other such groups in furtherance of The Federation's objectives.

9. Membership of The Federation shall be open to one Zeolite association from each country or combination of countries. Small groups are advised to affiliate themselves with existing National Zeolite Associations or to combine with other nationals to form a larger Association. On the latter case, the association shall elect a representative to serve on The Federation's Committee.

10. Membership of The Federation will be free of charge.

11. No compensation shall be paid to any Committee member for services rendered to The Federation.

12. Each proposed change in the Constitution shall be notified to the Secretary in writing at least one month before any meeting of the Committee. The secretary shall notify Officers of the proposed change(s) at least two weeks before the Committee meeting. The proposed change(s) must have support, in writing, of at least 50 % of the Committee members. No amendment shall be made to the objects (clause 2), this clause, or the dissolution provisions (clause 13), and no amendment shall be made to the remaining provisions which would cause The Federation to cease to be a charity by law.

13. The Federation shall be dissolved if petition is approved by a simple majority of the Committee members at the annual Committee meeting. In the event of dissolution surplus funds, property and assets (if any) shall be distributed to recognised charitable Scientific Associations as decided by the Committee.

signed on 25 January 1996 by

Herman van Bekkum, chairman FEZA
J.R.D. Nee, secretary FEZA
Klaus Unger, treasurer FEZA.